Clinical nutrition
Specialised clinical nutrition provides nutritional protection and support to people who are most in need: subjects that are frail or suffering from conditions, and in moments in which a normal daily diet is unable to satisfy nutritional requirements.
WHAT IS CLINICAL NUTRITION? Clinical Nutrition is a medical discipline concerning the relationship between nutrition and health in the presence of acute and/or chronic pathological states. At all ages, it focuses on the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of overnutrition, undernutrition or selective nutrition, as well as metabolic imbalance in individuals at nutritional risk.[1] Clinical nutrition focuses on nutritional and metabolic imbalances that cannot be managed through the modification of a normal diet through food. [1]Sinpe Guidelines – Clinical Nutrition
WHAT DOES IT INVOLVE? Clinical nutrition is applied for the prevention and/or treatment of conditions related to states of primary and secondary malnutrition when connected to pathologies. In the first case, the initial step is to identify subjects at risk and assess their state of health from a dietary point of view, programming a suitable dietary and therapeutic procedure. In the second case, it is necessary to programme nutritional therapy in order to combat pathologies that either partially or completely inhibit the spontaneous feeding of the patient, if necessary, through the use of alternative nutrition. Nutritional therapy involves the assumption of orally administered food for special medical purposes and, in more severe cases, treatment with enteral feeding either via a tube or injection.

Food for special medical purposes (FSMP) are specially formulated food products for dietary management and must be assumed exclusively under medical supervision, as they are created for the dietary treatment of subjects suffering from medical illnesses or conditions that lead to nutritional deficiencies.
To find out more, click on the link below You will find the ESPEN guidelines on definitions and terminology regarding Clinical Nutrition